2018年获得加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校物理学博士学位,2018-2021为加州理工学院Sherman Fairchild Fellow博士后,2021-2024为中国科学院上海天文台青年研究员,2024 至今为复旦大学物理学系青年研究员。主要研究方向为星系形成与演化、环星系介质、超新星和活动星系核反馈、计算天体物理等,是Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) 国际合作组织的PI成员。近年来多次受邀担任美国国家航空航天局、美国国家科学基金委天体物理项目的评审专家。
1) Yang Yanhui, Ji Suoqing. “Radiative turbulent mixing layers at high Mach numbers.” MNRAS, 520(2), 2148-2162, 2023.
2) Ji Suoqing, Fuller Jim, Lecoanet Daniel. “Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the Tayler instability in rotating stellar interiors.” MNRAS, 521(4), 5372-5383, 2023.
3) Ji Suoqing, Squire Jonathan, Hopkins Philip F. “Numerical study of cosmic ray confinement through dust resonant drag instabilities.” MNRAS, 513(1), 282-295, 2022.
4) Ji Suoqing, Chan TK, Hummels Cameron B, Hopkins Philip F, Stern Jonathan, Kereš Dušan, Quataert Eliot, Faucher-Giguère Claude-André, Murray Norman. “Properties of the circumgalactic medium in cosmic ray-dominated galaxy haloes.” MNRAS, 496(4), 4221-4238, 2020.
5) Ji Suoqing, Oh S Peng, Masterson Phillip. “Simulations of radiative turbulent mixing layers.” MNRAS, 487(1), 737-754, 2019.
6) Ji Suoqing, Oh S Peng, McCourt Michael. “The impact of magnetic fields on thermal instability.” MNRAS, 476(1), 852-867, 2018.
7) Ji Suoqing, Fisher Robert T, García-Berro Enrique, Tzeferacos Petros, Jordan George, Lee Dongwook, Lorén-Aguilar Pablo, Cremer Pascal, Behrends Jan. “The post-merger magnetized evolution of white dwarf binaries: the double-degenerate channel of sub-Chandrasekhar Type Ia super- novae and the formation of magnetized white dwarfs.” ApJ, 773(2), 136, 2013.