Antonino Marciano

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Antonino Marciano, Professor

Dr. Prof. Antonino Marciano’ is currently tenured full professor at the Department of Physics of Fudan University and member of the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). He joined the faculty of the department of physics at Fudan University in 2014, to work on the gravitational waves probes for the dark universe. Previously, he was post-doctoral researcher in the USA, working at Princeton University and Dartmouth College on models for cosmological inflation and the physics of cosmic microwave background radiation, and at Aix-Marseille University on the Wilson-loop approach to quantum gravity. The interest for quantum gravity, in particular for the non-commutative geometry approach and the quantum group deformation of space-time symmetries, started during his Ph.D. at Sapienza University of Rome. His research revolves on topological and out-of-equilibrium quantum field theories, including particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics, and analogue gravity applications to artificial intelligence, quantum computing and topological materials. He published so far more than 120 articles in international scientific journals with the high impact factors.


Research interests:
As a theoretical physicist, Dr. Prof. Antonino Marciano’ focuses his scientific research on a variety of topics, ranging mainly from quantum field theories and theories of gravity, to their neighboring research areas (including gravitational waves, dark matter models, dark energy and primordial cosmology, the investigation of the information paradox in black holes, and finally quantum gravity and cosmology, including loop quantum gravity and string theory), as well as analogous applications to Solid State Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computation.

Selected Publications:

(Correspondent author *)

“Strongest atomic physics bounds on noncommutative quantum gravity models,” K. Piscicchia, A. Addazi, A. Marciano’*, et al. accepted in Phys. Rev. Lett.  [arXiv:2209.00074 [hep-th]].

— “Quantum Neural Networks and Topological Quantum Field Theories,” A. Marciano’, D. Chen, F. Fabrocini, C. Fields, E. Greco, N. Gresnigt, K. Jinklub, M. Lulli, K. Terzidis, E. Zappala, Journal of Neural Networks 153 (2022), 164-178;  [arXiv:2007.00142[cond-mat]].

— “Sequential measurements, TQFTs, and TQNNs,”  C. Fields, J. F. Glazebrook and A. Marciano’*, Fortschritte der Physik (2022) 2200104 [arXiv:2205.13184 [quant-ph]];

— “Gravitational-Wave Signatures of Chiral-Symmetric Technicolor,” H. Yang, F.F. Freitas, A. Marciano’*, A.P. Morais, R. Pasechnik and J. Viana, Phys. Lett. B 830 (2022), 137162 [arXiv:2204.00799 [hep-ph]];

— “Markov blankets are general physical interaction surfaces: Comment on on ‘Morphogenesis as bayesian inference: A variational approach to pattern formation and control in complex biological systems,’ ” C. Fields and A. Marciano’, Physics of Life Reviews;

— “Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking,” A. Addazi, A. Marciano’, A. P. Morais, R. Pasechnik, R. Srivastava and J. W. F. Valle, Phys. Lett. B 135577 (2020), [arXiv:1909.09740 [hep-ph]];

— “Emergent Mirror Symmetry in Yang-Mills Vacua,” A. Addazi, A. Marciano’, R. Pasechnik and G. Prokhorov, Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) n0.3, 251 [arXiv:1804.09826 [hep-th]].

— “Can we probe Planckian corrections at the horizon scale with gravitational waves?,” A. Addazi, A. Marciano’* and N. Yunes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, no. 8, 081301 (2019),  (Editorial suggestion) [arXiv:1810.10417 [gr-qc]].

— “Dynamics of Gauge Field Inflation,”

 S. Alexander, D. Jyoti, A. Kosowsky and A. Marciano’, JCAP 05 005 (2015),  [arXiv:1408.4118 [hep-th]].

— “Gravitational origin of the weak interaction’s chirality,”

 S. Alexander, A. Marciano’* and L. Smolin, Phys. Rev. D 89 065017 (2014),  [arXiv:1212.5246 [hep-th]]