Seminar: Seeing the Missing Worlds Using CMB as Backlight

Wed, Sep 25 2024, 4pm Jiangwan C101

Publisher:徐铮怡Release time:2024-09-22Browse times:11

Wed, Sep 25 2024, 4pm 

Jiangwan C101

Astro Seminar:  Seeing the Missing Worlds Using CMB as Backlight

Prof. Pengjie Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Abstract: During the 14 billion year journey from the last scattering surface to observers, cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons were deflected (CMB lensing), strechted (ISW effect) and scattered (the Sunyaev Zel’dovich effect and patchy screening). These secondary CMB anisotropies contain invaluable information on missing baryons, dark matter, dark energy and the origin mechanism of the universe. I will present a brief review and then show some recent progresses. 

个人简介:上海交通大学教授,天文系系主任。从事宇宙学研究,重点是宇宙大尺度结构及其在基础物理中的应用。提出了检验引力的EG判据、photo-z和星系內禀指向的自修正方法、CMB前景扣除和引力透镜重构的ABS方法、tSZ/kSZ tomography等、证实哥白尼原理在三十亿光年以上尺度成立。主持了国家杰出青年科学基金(2010)、基金委创新研究群体(2016)。